Saturday, June 20, 2020

For Some, Any Form of Segue Works on Father's Day

Tomorrow is the day in the United States that we celebrate Father's Day.

I saw a post this morning on 'The Mighty' regarding the pain adults who were sexually abused by their fathers experience each year when Father's Day rolls around.

I was triggered to recall my birth to 18 years of very similar abuse experiences, followed by a 'trail of tears' of another 40 years of dysfunction, abuse, drug addiction, burying 2 children and a final discombobulation of the Rubik's Cube of my mind.

Fortunately, rather than ending my Life, I was gifted with a spiritual message in 2010 to transform all ills into a positive force that is now known as the Hope 4 U Message. Yet, the past 7 decades of enduring the publicizing of Father's Day has been no 'holiday', nor do I ever expect it to be in the mortal sense.

Although we can learn to forgive, assist with care, become advocates, counselors, etc. and spend the remainder of our lives encouraging others to metamorphosize the pain into an energy to appropriate positive change ... the 'h' in this particular holiday will always represent horror to me.

Therefore, I rather focus on my belief, in a Supreme Power, that we were created through brilliance and regardless of the negative experiences of mortal man that may urge us to follow, I am to live within that Brilliance and focus on the 'h' of the belief that there is Hope 4 U because there is Hope for all of us. 

Jehovah, please, bless all to reside within that Peace and celebrate their choice of Heavenly Father every tomorrow.


Saturday, June 6, 2020


We are at the Bridge of Opportunity.

Do we stay stuck under the bridge and continue with a troll mentality...


Do we learn to depreciate the negatives of the past...

Combine all the positive forces of the present...

Unite for the future...

Creating a CO-VI.SION...




Saturday, May 2, 2020

Turning Impatience into Growth

When I began this blog, the purpose was to let the Inner Child tell her story.
Then COVID-19 concerns needed to take first position.

It is difficult when one must put important projects to the side...
especially after waiting 55+ years to expand upon memories for a good cause.

Although 'Little Debbie' needed a platform to express herself, she also needs growth.
Therefore, I decided to take this 'stay-at-home' season of Life and make the best of it.

The angst that is felt by the Inner Child waiting to move onto another level of healing is high, but I remind myself daily of the millions upon millions that are feeling the same.

This is one of those times in Life that putting others' needs first must take priority.
The time will come that we will be able to get back to our original list of projects.

The question is: Will we still want what is on the original list or will we make changes.
Going through months of self-reflection on a level never expected is mind blowing.

I am already feeling that each list will look at minimum somewhat different...
I know mine will.


Saturday, April 25, 2020

H.O.P.E. ...

This is the Hope 4 U Message Bracelet

If you do not know the Hope 4 U Message yet,

When I saw this piece on the PBS News Hour

It reminded me of what the World needs most right now is...

Helping Other People Evolve

In 1939, Franklin D Roosevelt said, within the State of the Union Address
"To save one we must now make up our minds to save all..."

This is where we are with COVID-19.
We must, maybe for the 1st time in our lives,
Think about the fact that our very next action could save a Life.

Will you stay home until the powers-that-be advise otherwise?
Will you postpone plans at any indication that you might be a carrier?
Will you wear a mask to protect yourself and others?

Will you get tested to determine if you have had the virus?
Will you get tested to determine if you have the antibodies to the virus?
Will you donate blood so that someone who needs the antibodies can live?

Will you care enough to offer others H.O.P.E?

I did. I am. I will.

Will you?



Search Results

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

One of the Blessings of Alzheimer's...

As most of the World today, I have a plethora of major decisions to be selected, however, I just have not had the emotional energy to make the time to do so. The VIP time I really wanted to spend this week was with my eldest brother, Jim, who has Alzheimer's. 

With the 'stay at home' requests in place it had been a good piece of time since I had driven anywhere, nevertheless taken a 90-minute drive to another county. Yet, this would give my youngest brother and his wife a break from overseeing his care daily, so I made the trip.

For those who are concerned about the present COVID-19 challenges, they should spend a long weekend with someone who has Alzheimer's. Visiting with someone who has no care in the world other than his or her very next thought is, in an odd way, refreshing.

Being reminded that the very last thought passes, and never will again be regained, helped me put everything that is going on in this world today into its proper perspective. I asked my brother if he had any pearls of wisdom that I could share and as he spoke, I took his picture.

"Remember We Are the UNITED States of America

  Remember to Social Distance Arm Length Apart

  Remember to Keep a Positive Attitude"

Funny how a person who has a challenge remembering was instrumental in reminding me what is truly important.

I am now back at Peace.



Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Day That Really Matters...

When first becoming a resident of Florida in 1984, it was clear that looking up was something that was done more often here than in Indiana. Most likely because the tropical skies are so beautifully blue year round. Yet, having nature rarely displaced due to weather, focusing skyward to observe the birds building their nests becomes part of your every day.

What was noticed today was the building of oversized nests. One particular bird landed on a wire, close to the nest with a rather long twig, appearing to attempt to discern where was the twig going to be placed. It was clear, even through the eyes of a wingless mortal, that there was already more than normal stacked layer upon layer.

The realization that these times are so uncertain that even the birds are plentifully planning ahead made this mortal feel a little less angst. There was suddenly an awareness that we are as is often spoken today 'in this together'...and not just mortals but every living, breathing factor that exists.

Yes, we're all in this together and we will all get through it...together. 'Together' is why Jesus was sent here. 'Together' is why He was willing to endure a Life and death of much grief. 'Together' is why He rose from the grave. 'Together' is why we were blessed with an opportunity to be filled with and live through the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow...the day that Hope is celebrated.

Tomorrow...the day that brings it all 'Together'...

Tomorrow...THAT is the day that really matters.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Why We Never Give Up...

We are the United States of America.

We are the Land of the Free.

We are the land where dreams CAN come true.

We are the land where castles can be built.

We are the land whose currency says, "In God We Trust".

And in God we trust.

We trust that long-term good is being created through the havoc of today.

We trust that we can believe that We The People are being led to be a better people.

We trust that good word of the ages will guide us to become the best we can be.

We watch, we listen, we learn.

Watch, listen and learn because this is the message we need for today.

Watch, listen and learn to have Peace in this storm.



The photograph I borrowed from my daughter, Sondra.
The videos are by my daughter, Samantha.
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