Saturday, May 2, 2020

Turning Impatience into Growth

When I began this blog, the purpose was to let the Inner Child tell her story.
Then COVID-19 concerns needed to take first position.

It is difficult when one must put important projects to the side...
especially after waiting 55+ years to expand upon memories for a good cause.

Although 'Little Debbie' needed a platform to express herself, she also needs growth.
Therefore, I decided to take this 'stay-at-home' season of Life and make the best of it.

The angst that is felt by the Inner Child waiting to move onto another level of healing is high, but I remind myself daily of the millions upon millions that are feeling the same.

This is one of those times in Life that putting others' needs first must take priority.
The time will come that we will be able to get back to our original list of projects.

The question is: Will we still want what is on the original list or will we make changes.
Going through months of self-reflection on a level never expected is mind blowing.

I am already feeling that each list will look at minimum somewhat different...
I know mine will.


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