Saturday, March 7, 2020

Avoid Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

This week's blog was to cover memories from the age of 6 years of age through the 10 years of age, however, I do believe there is something more important at hand.

When I was introduced to essential oils a couple of years ago and integrated them into my Lifestyle, the positive changes that it made in the strength of my immune system was remarkable.

The images above are of Petri dishes in which our every-day cleaners were tested to compare how each performed compared to the use of Thieves and Oregano essential oils and a Thieves cleaner. 

The Coronavirus is threatening every area of our lives through the panic mentality that is being encouraged in most of the media today, yet we can be prudent concerning how to address it. Coronavirus does not have to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How to address the ongoing threat is, of course, per individual needs. My eldest brother is 77-years old with the only ailment being Alzheimer's, thus, I felt comfortable taking him out in public today.

The good news is that we visited an outlet mall for lunch and there were families everywhere with no masks, no hiding, and no sign of distress anywhere.

There is even better news. We can easily protect ourselves over this next 12-18 months to avoid any lasting exposure to the virus while permanently strengthening our immune systems.

Review all of the following information and become proactive in increasing your protection for Today's times, while empowering yourself and your loved ones with even better health for the future.


"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Benjamin Franklin

DID U KNOW Our best chance of 'minimal damage done' in any situation is to be well informed and prepared? Consider all here before you decide how you are going to take good care this next couple of years while the Coronavirus works itself out of our daily existence.

DID U KNOW Our best chance of defence, even in choices of cleansers, is Essential Oils? Ask Robyn about the picture of Petri dish results, proving that pure essential oils kill more germs than your leading chemical-based cleansers.

DID U KNOW Incorporating essential oils into your daily regimen will not only help defend you and your loved ones against the present Coronavirus, yet any other upcoming virus? Become proactive and help strengthen your immune system for long-term best health.

FULLON2020 and strengthen the Hope 4 U and your loved ones!

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