Monday, September 30, 2019

'I AM...FREE!'

Recently, this #METOO shared with 1 of my 4 children that in the year of 2020, I will begin blogging an autobiography. The Child replied with some angst regarding what was going 'to be' in the autobiography and shortly thereafter, 1 of my 5 brothers randomly reminded me that 'tender words are easier to chew if you have to eat them'.

Authoring a biography of Self presumably is never an easy journey and the imagination of others can go wild. However, for this C-PTSD Soul who was birthed into a physically-abusive incestuous family and escaped at the age of 18 years only to continue a Life filled with considerable dysfunction for another 4 decades, this will be a daunting task regarding any and all perceptions.

Therefore, I responded both that I believe we each have our own story to tell and that alpha to omega of my journey will be with an 'Amen'. Mine is mine to tell and I will do my best to keep my words generically 'sweet and tender' to keep any offense to a minimum. Yet, I must always keep in mind that it is the once-incarcerated Soul, the Inner Child, that is finally free to sing.

The worth of embarking upon such a daunting task is the seal of Victory, similar I imagine, when one runs a difficult race and makes it across the finish line. C D Moody, and author of 'Fighting Though the Fear', recently expressed for him it is 'I am free!' For me, since obtaining in 2009 the level of psychiatric therapy that I desperately needed, it is 'I AM...FREE!'

Reaching the 'I AM' in me was something that was necessary to achieve first. I needed to know the 5 Ws of my existence so that I could re-write who I was with integrity, as opposed to moot. According to the psychiatrist that was able to 'break through', most sojourn between jail and institutions until death. They don't make it out, I now know who 'I AM' and 'I AM...FREE!' 

So, for all who are affected by Survivors who must shout, sing and live the 'Hallelujah!', forgive us if the song that evolves through our long-awaited, multi-aspect freedom contains any melody at times that is uncomfortable for you. To surpass the daunting, most Survivors are driven to share through whichever form of media comes to them most easily, inspiring others on similar paths ... to be free.

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