Sunday, September 1, 2019

Experiencing Real J.O.Y.

Why It So Difficult To Experience Real Joy

Joy is not something that we can experience through Self alone.

Joy is something that comes through the mental 'w-illness' we apply in our lives.

Joy is created through a 3-step process that comes to fruition outside of us, that we are invited to experience through participation...and it is a choice.

Breathing is somewhat of a good example of such a process. Air is available and it is our choice to participate in the exchange that breathing offers.

We can inhale, we can hold our breath, and/or we can exhale, accepting the continuation of the momentum of Life.

As it is said, in many forms, " takes 2...", we must choose to engage in breathing to continue Life.

As with experiencing real joy, participation is also both an individual choice and necessity.

The recipe, per se, for experiencing real joy follows a similar formula as breathing:

1) Pick a subject that we are most passionate about ('engage brain');

2) Take in ('breathe in') all the information available on the subject;


3) Reach out ('breathe out') to who needs help in the area of the passion we have chosen.

This can come in the form of supporting an individual, an organization that already exists or create a path for the passion we have chosen to express.

Just like the air that we need to breathe to continue Life is found outside of Self, real J.O.Y. is found:


Understandably, steps 1 and 2 are the easiest, as they come more naturally, whether it be picking a subject or discerning which subjects you are most passionate about, learning all you can.

Step 3, for many, is the least easy, because it takes 'breathing out', getting out of one's Self to achieve maximum benefit.

I have made a decision to go #FULLON for next year and engage in my passions to the fullest.

Hop onto the #FULLON2020 mental 'w-illness' train to experience real joy in the coming year.

It takes making a choice*.

It takes learning all you can about that choice.

It takes sharing that knowledge with someone else...

J.ust    O.utside    Y.ourself

*If you are a person who is most comfortable with supporting an organization that is already in existence, please consider Once a choice was made to get out of Self by one of my nephews, this organization not only helped save his Life, yet gave him an opportunity to help save others. You CAN, too!

Missdeb Can

"If Missdeb Can, ANY Body Can!"

Hope 4 U Ministries

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