Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Counting Blessings at Christmas...No Matter What Your 'M-anger'

I had little intention of blogging on Christmas Day, but reading a negative comment in question form, posted on Facebook for The Hope 4 U Message page received 3-days ago, has inspired me to do so.

The Post Creator asked, "How much money have you made off people with this fake page already?"
Clearly, Post Creator has not done his homework, nor is sincerely seeking any growth on the subject.

This is Christmas Day and due to an auto mechanical failure, the 'manger' available for the past 8 days is 400+/- miles away from home...which would be quite a hike for a Great Grandma!

On the 5th day of being stranded with no clear end in sight, there was a moment of 'Argh!' that attempted to appear, yet, also a recall that Joseph and Mary were stranded on an important journey.

A journey that literally improved the world with the birth of Jesus Christ...and the story of that journey has, for over 2000 years, offered hope to anyone who chooses to believe in goodness.

The blessing...? Being created with the free choice to believe or not believe in goodness...being created with free will to decide where will we put our energies: into the positive or the negative.

A pilot recently discovered that counseling is available through the Hope 4 U Message and when he asked how to minimize the negative noise, he was enlightened to hear: "Just make positive louder."

We can appreciate whatever mangers in Life are provided for us and count our blessings or we can drop the 'm' and just keep letting 'anger' be the fuel that propels is a choice.

At this end of Life's Rainbow, FULLON2020 will continue to minimize the negative by increasing the positive, that is what the Hope 4 U Message is about and has been for over 10+ years.

There will be no responses on Facebook to those who choose the negative noise, like Post Creator.
Prayers will be lifted up daily that he works on minimizing anger...or at least does his homework!

Merry Christmas to all and even more silent nights.


Saturday, November 30, 2019

Learning a Realistic Level of Thankfulness and What to Do With It

If you have not done so yet, FULLON2020 and dedicate an hour or two or three or four per week to volunteering for a local Hospice. If you have a teenager or a late-bloomer young adult, include volunteering for Hospice in your area. If you are in a position of guiding a Soul into a better direction, guide toward Hospice volunteering.

"Hospice, you say? Aren't those all persons who are dying?"
We're all dying from the moment we are born and the mission is to live your best during living. Expanding on this reality, Hospice has become a multi-leveled force of synergy to help you do that regardless of your stage in Life.

Whether you are at the begin of Life, somewhere in between or nearing the end, there is Life to live. If you become a Hospice Volunteer at a young age, the lessons for youth along the way are unparalleled. If you volunteer during the in between seasons or end seasons, what you are giving back is priceless.

Thanksgiving week is coming to an end and all the trimmings have been donated, shared or gobbled. For those who perform Hospice, more realistic lessons in thankfulness presented themselves this week and we are grateful for every single one. Hospice Volunteers rarely get to gobble, but Life's sustenance gained?...A Feast You Never Forget.


Raise them upright
Teach compassion
Help others live Life to the fullest

One hug at a time...  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gotta Luv the Brits!

My heritage being from 'across the pond' and now being elderly myself, I salute all involved in the attached, but I have my concerns.

I am, as well, a mother of four, now a grandmother and soon a great grandmother of two. I am old, tired and need to sit down, but I would, even now, go for the win-win in this case by offering the elders respect leaving them be while showing any Youngins a better time by advantaging the larger space that was available.

When I was raising Youngins, they were taught to show respect to the elderly. Those were different times. The entire Universe was not 'on stage' 24/7 at the time nor did we have to suffer through all 'Wannabees' just to get to what is truly important.

There are several goods that could yet come out of this event.

VIP here...
The Youngins could be taught by the other parent, clearly not the one attending in this video, to respect elders, as it yields itself as a far better tool in Life rather than being capable of performing a "staredown''. I don't know...are there staredown contests or classes these days that could warrant benefits of being successful at it?

Respectfully, the elders could get some rest and at minimum not voice snide comments regarding persons of less advantage or let us not judge the splinter in another's eye prior to addressing the log in our own - whichever approach speaks the necessary language. Have we lost all compassion and/or empathy in our instant-gratification World?

The mother could learn not to teach her children that one needs an audience to authenticate self esteem. Don't we have enough Selfie, Instagram, FaceTime, etc. opportunities for that? And what about the stress on the unborn child while mother is going through her recorded tyrade...what will become known as Baby's 'very 1st video'? Well, anyone who has had 3 children and working on a 4th knows that Mum has got to be tired, too!

Let's not forget that we're all in this together...I am going to keep praying that we get better at being together. Yet, 7+ decades of Life tells me the odds that any of these hopes are going to transpire without great effort on each players' part are as slim as me waking up tomorrow with short hair and brown eyes.

Monday, September 30, 2019

'I AM...FREE!'

Recently, this #METOO shared with 1 of my 4 children that in the year of 2020, I will begin blogging an autobiography. The Child replied with some angst regarding what was going 'to be' in the autobiography and shortly thereafter, 1 of my 5 brothers randomly reminded me that 'tender words are easier to chew if you have to eat them'.

Authoring a biography of Self presumably is never an easy journey and the imagination of others can go wild. However, for this C-PTSD Soul who was birthed into a physically-abusive incestuous family and escaped at the age of 18 years only to continue a Life filled with considerable dysfunction for another 4 decades, this will be a daunting task regarding any and all perceptions.

Therefore, I responded both that I believe we each have our own story to tell and that alpha to omega of my journey will be with an 'Amen'. Mine is mine to tell and I will do my best to keep my words generically 'sweet and tender' to keep any offense to a minimum. Yet, I must always keep in mind that it is the once-incarcerated Soul, the Inner Child, that is finally free to sing.

The worth of embarking upon such a daunting task is the seal of Victory, similar I imagine, when one runs a difficult race and makes it across the finish line. C D Moody, and author of 'Fighting Though the Fear', recently expressed for him it is 'I am free!' For me, since obtaining in 2009 the level of psychiatric therapy that I desperately needed, it is 'I AM...FREE!'

Reaching the 'I AM' in me was something that was necessary to achieve first. I needed to know the 5 Ws of my existence so that I could re-write who I was with integrity, as opposed to moot. According to the psychiatrist that was able to 'break through', most sojourn between jail and institutions until death. They don't make it out, I now know who 'I AM' and 'I AM...FREE!' 

So, for all who are affected by Survivors who must shout, sing and live the 'Hallelujah!', forgive us if the song that evolves through our long-awaited, multi-aspect freedom contains any melody at times that is uncomfortable for you. To surpass the daunting, most Survivors are driven to share through whichever form of media comes to them most easily, inspiring others on similar paths ... to be free.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Experiencing Real J.O.Y.

Why It So Difficult To Experience Real Joy

Joy is not something that we can experience through Self alone.

Joy is something that comes through the mental 'w-illness' we apply in our lives.

Joy is created through a 3-step process that comes to fruition outside of us, that we are invited to experience through participation...and it is a choice.

Breathing is somewhat of a good example of such a process. Air is available and it is our choice to participate in the exchange that breathing offers.

We can inhale, we can hold our breath, and/or we can exhale, accepting the continuation of the momentum of Life.

As it is said, in many forms, " takes 2...", we must choose to engage in breathing to continue Life.

As with experiencing real joy, participation is also both an individual choice and necessity.

The recipe, per se, for experiencing real joy follows a similar formula as breathing:

1) Pick a subject that we are most passionate about ('engage brain');

2) Take in ('breathe in') all the information available on the subject;


3) Reach out ('breathe out') to who needs help in the area of the passion we have chosen.

This can come in the form of supporting an individual, an organization that already exists or create a path for the passion we have chosen to express.

Just like the air that we need to breathe to continue Life is found outside of Self, real J.O.Y. is found:


Understandably, steps 1 and 2 are the easiest, as they come more naturally, whether it be picking a subject or discerning which subjects you are most passionate about, learning all you can.

Step 3, for many, is the least easy, because it takes 'breathing out', getting out of one's Self to achieve maximum benefit.

I have made a decision to go #FULLON for next year and engage in my passions to the fullest.

Hop onto the #FULLON2020 mental 'w-illness' train to experience real joy in the coming year.

It takes making a choice*.

It takes learning all you can about that choice.

It takes sharing that knowledge with someone else...

J.ust    O.utside    Y.ourself

*If you are a person who is most comfortable with supporting an organization that is already in existence, please consider Once a choice was made to get out of Self by one of my nephews, this organization not only helped save his Life, yet gave him an opportunity to help save others. You CAN, too!

Missdeb Can

"If Missdeb Can, ANY Body Can!"

Hope 4 U Ministries

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Determined to Succeed

When one has lived in 24/7 chronic emotional and/or physical pain his or her Lifetime, the most difficult step is to begin. I say to my conditions, "I am determined to succeed at a normal pace while permitting you to run in place beside me." #FULLON2020

Saturday, June 29, 2019



Mental 'W-illness'

Missdeb Can is not licensed in any field of therapy, mental health and/or medicine. Mental 'W-illness' is simply a theory that Missdeb Can created and has incorporated into daily Lifestyle that is helping reach an optimum level of mental health. The Mental 'W-illness' theory will be shared and Missdeb Can's life story, 'Actually, A Zebra CAN Change Its Stripes', will be written on this blog for the sole purpose of encouraging others. Putting negatives behind and building whatever support system is needed to not only recover but maintain maximum wellness possible, enables enjoyment of life filled with Brilliance, regardless of circumstances or limitations.

"If Missdeb Can, ANY Body Can!"