Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Birthday, My 1969 Valentine!

Alzheimer's is a tough one, yet holds some blessings, too ... like the patient more often looking up at the clouds and recognizing various shapes as animals or more often looking down and discovering beauties like this ... both little blessings most of us would miss because we are just 'too busy'.

The picture is of my 2020 Valentine's present from my eldest brother who has Alzheimer's, a picture of his gift that I will cherish forever that he handed me last night, giving me welcomed solace today, Feb 13th, the birth day of one of my 2 deceased sons, Sean, who has been celebrating in Heaven since 17 years of age.

Sean was hit by a drunk driver who was released at the scene, and using his knowledge gained through being a former law enforcement officer, fled the state of Florida, going into hiding for what he thought would be forever. To Cliffs Notes for now*, capture of the criminal took 7 years to locate, extradite back to Florida, and secure judgement against him.

The cost? Over 100,000$, a final marriage, our home, my business, my health, years of estrangement with my 2 daughters and a real 'forever' centuries of living with a cracked Heart. Ensuring justice done: PRICELESS.

Regardless of the reason for your grief from any type of loss or challenge you may have today or tomorrow, you CAN find at least 1 new good path that would not have been forged in any other way.

There is ALWAYS Hope!


*Look for the full story within the years 1986 to 1993 forthcoming in this autobiography blog.

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