Saturday, November 30, 2019

Learning a Realistic Level of Thankfulness and What to Do With It

If you have not done so yet, FULLON2020 and dedicate an hour or two or three or four per week to volunteering for a local Hospice. If you have a teenager or a late-bloomer young adult, include volunteering for Hospice in your area. If you are in a position of guiding a Soul into a better direction, guide toward Hospice volunteering.

"Hospice, you say? Aren't those all persons who are dying?"
We're all dying from the moment we are born and the mission is to live your best during living. Expanding on this reality, Hospice has become a multi-leveled force of synergy to help you do that regardless of your stage in Life.

Whether you are at the begin of Life, somewhere in between or nearing the end, there is Life to live. If you become a Hospice Volunteer at a young age, the lessons for youth along the way are unparalleled. If you volunteer during the in between seasons or end seasons, what you are giving back is priceless.

Thanksgiving week is coming to an end and all the trimmings have been donated, shared or gobbled. For those who perform Hospice, more realistic lessons in thankfulness presented themselves this week and we are grateful for every single one. Hospice Volunteers rarely get to gobble, but Life's sustenance gained?...A Feast You Never Forget.


Raise them upright
Teach compassion
Help others live Life to the fullest

One hug at a time...