Friday, October 25, 2019

Gotta Luv the Brits!

My heritage being from 'across the pond' and now being elderly myself, I salute all involved in the attached, but I have my concerns.

I am, as well, a mother of four, now a grandmother and soon a great grandmother of two. I am old, tired and need to sit down, but I would, even now, go for the win-win in this case by offering the elders respect leaving them be while showing any Youngins a better time by advantaging the larger space that was available.

When I was raising Youngins, they were taught to show respect to the elderly. Those were different times. The entire Universe was not 'on stage' 24/7 at the time nor did we have to suffer through all 'Wannabees' just to get to what is truly important.

There are several goods that could yet come out of this event.

VIP here...
The Youngins could be taught by the other parent, clearly not the one attending in this video, to respect elders, as it yields itself as a far better tool in Life rather than being capable of performing a "staredown''. I don't know...are there staredown contests or classes these days that could warrant benefits of being successful at it?

Respectfully, the elders could get some rest and at minimum not voice snide comments regarding persons of less advantage or let us not judge the splinter in another's eye prior to addressing the log in our own - whichever approach speaks the necessary language. Have we lost all compassion and/or empathy in our instant-gratification World?

The mother could learn not to teach her children that one needs an audience to authenticate self esteem. Don't we have enough Selfie, Instagram, FaceTime, etc. opportunities for that? And what about the stress on the unborn child while mother is going through her recorded tyrade...what will become known as Baby's 'very 1st video'? Well, anyone who has had 3 children and working on a 4th knows that Mum has got to be tired, too!

Let's not forget that we're all in this together...I am going to keep praying that we get better at being together. Yet, 7+ decades of Life tells me the odds that any of these hopes are going to transpire without great effort on each players' part are as slim as me waking up tomorrow with short hair and brown eyes.